Does the Religious Right really want to establish a Christian Theocracy? Is that really their agenda?
The Darwinian Evolutionists, and a host of other groups that hate Christian fundamentalism, often make this charge. They attempt to scare people away from Christianity, asserting that Christianity is being forced upon an un-suspecting public. In the famous words of Col. Sherman T. Potter, "Horse hockey!"
I'm clearly a fundamentalist, and I would be hard pressed to find anyone that believes State Religion is the way to go. The people I know understand that freedom of religious expression is foundational to our nation. They understand that forcing people to comply with religious beliefs and certain liturgical practices only produces better hypocrites. I believe Jefferson spoke to this issue himself.
The confusion lies in the assertion of Christian morality. If a Christian asserts a moral issue in a public legal or political domain, they suddenly become a Theocrat. Non-sense! Religious systems contain more than just faith and worship practices. They also include personal moral laws, punitive and judicial laws, education laws, etc ... As does a just government. The founders knew that faith and worship practices belonged to individuals and the churches. I agree.
At the same time, morality is essential to free society. Government that does not enforce moral standards is chaotic. Let us continue to blend immorality with democracy and wait for the results.
Asserting Theocratic Demagoguery has been effective. It's time for more fundamentalist to challenge those assertions.