Friday, March 28, 2008

Obama's Manipulation Stimulus Plan

Yesterday, Presidential hopeful, Senator Barack Obama, spoke about his plans for America's economy. The basic thrust of Obama's plan is to expand government regulations in response to the current home lending issues and excessive profit taking by corporate executives.

When a consumer and lender agree to loan terms that are risky or exploitative, who's fault is it? Could it be the consumer's fault? Is the lender's at fault? Senator Obama blames lenders and the lack of government regulations to control them.

When oil and gas companies raise prices, and consumers don't change their consumption habits, who's fault is that? When corporate profits rise, and executives go on expensive trips, while workers' salaries stay flat, whose fault is that? What needs to be done to improve these situations?

Creating more government regulations will stimulate more manipulation of the law. No sooner than new regulations hit the books, corporate lawyers will have already figured out ways to navigate around the regulatory obstacles that impede their business.

This writer advocates self regulation. Self control. Liberty under God's laws. The right laws are already on the books; the Big Book. The Old and New Testaments alike repeatedly tell us to deal fairly with one another. Do not lie, mislead, or withhold information. Do not steal, cheat or fudge the numbers. Don't exploit another person. Don't charge excessive usury. Don't use unjust scales. It's all in the Book of God's Law, and there are already plenty of laws on the federal books as well.

More regulations won't change a nation that doesn't accept moral standards. What America needs is a change of heart. America needs a re-assertion of Godly influence.

If you want to blame someone or something, what about the thinking of Secular Humanist and modern philosophers that have helped establish moral relativism as they've corrupted and infiltrated our education system? If you want to blame someone, consider parents that have failed to teach the commands of God to their children. If you want to blame someone, what about consumers that have forgotten that spending habits are theirs to control? If you want to blame something, what about the countless federal regulations that are already on the books? If you want to blame someone, maybe we should consider the churches lack of influence on justice and morality?

My friend, more government regulations will stimulate more manipulation of the law. To the increase of wickedness, there is no end. Man is always inventing new ways to do evil. It's time for us to turn back to the morality of God and the Bible. It's time to teach our sons and daughters the righteousness of God; to love by His commands. Then, when Americans again demand righteousness and goodness, God will heal our land. Godly ways are our political hope!

God Save the U.S.A.

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