Only a handful of groups are cognizant of the “big question”. We’ve come to expect deception among politicians and political parties. You may be shocked to learn the following subtleties on the Left Side of Religion. This article alone will serve as a great test. There will be two responses. One will come with an affirmative conviction. The other will flow with disdain and mockery.
The segregation of the Republican Party is at hand. The issue began to boil, when Senator John McCain suddenly leaped to the fore during the Republican Primary of 2008. Now the question is steaming up the glasses of those involved in the 82nd Texas Legislature (2011). Shall thou RINO lead thy Conservative State? Don’t get ahead of me. That’s not the “big question”. The big question is larger than Texas’ Speaker of the House.
Within the GOP there are now three major sects. The latest rising star is the Liberty Caucus. This is the Ron Paul crowd who recently infiltrated the Republican Party with an aim of greatly reducing the role of government, thereby increasing individual liberty. There also remain the T-Total Conservatives, and the ever subtle RINOs. The RINO’s tend to support conservative fiscal/economic policies, but are much more liberal when it comes to tradition family values and the role of government. RINOs vote like Democratic Conservatives; they are Republican In Name Only. T-Total Conservatives are commonly known as Social Conservatives. This group embraces conservative values in all areas of policy, namely economics, social, and education policy. Tea Party attendees tend to be a combination of the Liberty Caucus and T-Total Conservatives. You won’t find many RINO’s at a Tea Party. Social Conservatives and Liberty Caucus folks align in the Tea Party movement, because they both understand that individual liberty necessitates individual responsibility.
Individual Liberty necessitates Individual Responsibility.
Now let’s connect the Left Side of Religion. Today’s religious landscape also holds a left side and a right side. Within Christianity there are left and right denominations; some liberal, others conservative. We can see this trend within certain denominations that you might think are the same. The American Baptists are far more liberal than Southern Baptists. Southern Baptists are among the most conservative folks in America. The liberal and conservative delineation applies to theology and policy viewpoints. A “living document” view of the Bible generally goes along with a living document view of the Constitution. The living document view places emphasis on contemporary cultural interpretation, rather than historical contextual interpretation.
You may be surprised to know that even Judaism has a Left Side. It is called Reform Judaism. They are far from Orthodox Judaism. This group constitutes the majority of the American Jewish population[i]. They esteem “Enlightenment” over “Revelation”, and refer to Orthodox Jews as “God-fearers” as if it were some sort of disease[ii]. The Reform Jew is much like a liberal Christian; Jesus is just a good ethical role model, and the Scriptures are just a launching point – more books written by men.
“The Movement for Reform Judaism does not consider this text to constitute the definitive answer on this subject. We believe that Judaism is a living, evolving faith and, as such, there is no 'final word' on Jewish texts, traditions and thought.”[iii]
A Reform Jew is a Progressive Jew; part of the World Union for Progressive Judaism.[iv] An American Baptist is just one of many Progressive Christian denominations in the United States. Methodist, Episcopalian and Presbyterians Churches exemplify Liberal Theology and Progressive Policy viewpoints. The Progressive Agenda is rooted in Humanism[v]. Moderate and Liberal Christians and Jews have bought into the Secular Progressive Agenda. These compassionate hopers in God vainly attempt using government programs to rescue irresponsible citizens from Natural Law. However pure their motive, the results are ineffective and their natural ally is the Secular Progressive movement. These groups deny God’s Rule over mankind by inventing ever changing moral standards, which are no match for Natural Law. The moral relativism of Secularist and the Left Side of Religion is whimsical and detrimental to our historical American Culture.
The Liberty Caucus and T-Total Conservatives understand that man cannot outwit the consequences of Natural Law. If you desire freedom and liberty, you must accept the consequences of your actions. Liberty and freedom involve doing what is right and responsible, not whatever you want. It is irresponsible of government to encourage irresponsible social conduct on one hand, while also attempting to fund a social recovery program on the other hand. Such a model is unsustainable. If a man desires the freedom to live in ways that are contrary to Natural Law, then he must bear the responsibility of his actions, and find help outside of government through a compassionate friend, family member, or local agency. It is highly irresponsible for government to underwrite poor choices with taxpayer dollars.
Here lies the subtlety. While Atheist and Agnostics are transparent with their views on God, the Humanistic ways on the Left Side of Religion are hidden behind religious ideals. Reform Judaism is centered on man, society, culture and community more so than the Laws of Nature’s God. Liberal Religion (Christian or Jewish) translates into Liberal Policy views, such as Social Justice, which may be found among RINOs and the DNC in differing portions.
“Is Natural Law the basis for American Law?”
That is the big question. If you’re nodding yes, now is the time to stand firm in your convictions. Do not waver. Do not give up. You were created for such a time as this. If you are shaking your head in mockery and disbelief, I sincerely pray you’ll consider the price tag of perpetuating human standards in the face of the Almighty, not only in dollars in cents, but the cost of lives destroyed by fighting against Nature’s God. Perpetuating moral relativism is more destructive and futile than fighting the affects of gravity.
May we only seek ... “the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle [us]” – Declaration of Independence, 1776
[i] Wikipedia Reform Judaism article (see citation 3)
[ii] Dear Reader: Fundamentalists & Us, Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, Reform Judaism Magazine, Winter 2010
[iii] Quoted from
[v] Humanist Manifesto I (
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