Friday, July 17, 2009

Fighting Obesity with Obesity

You've heard it a thousand times, "You can't fight fire with fire". Apparently House Democrats and President Obama think they are Red Adair.

While Red proved there is at least one circumstance where the old cliche comes up short, I wonder if the Dems are considering the explosive and damaging consequences of his procedure. When Red used fire to put out fires, he literally blew the fire up to extinguish it.

Maybe this is what Democrats desire. It is certainly plausible that they will destroy the country and some number of people with their obese health care proposal. Have you seen the massive chart of bureaucratic paper pushing they invision to solve the inflamed health care crisis?

The Democrats' socialistic Health-Care Reform proposal fights obesity with obesity. While Americans are increasingly inflamed by bloated diets, a lack of exercise and other behavioral risks, the Democrats want to increase the size of government to fight the problem. The problem is not a lack of government programs. The problem is a lack of American's that are responsible for their own health. The problem is Americans that are increasingly dependent on entitlements, rather than their own good choices. The problem is a nation that is already dependent upon government, corporate, and institutional health subsidies.
No one can own your health for you. It is your responsibility. If you want the liberty to eat want you want; if you want the freedom to abort your own child and get in bed with whatever diseases you choose, DON'T ASK ME TO PAY FOR IT! Health is your choice and your responsibility. Adding a more obeseity to an already obese U.S. government and U.S. population will only create a greater explosion! If you want to fix the health care crisis in American, remove the bloated government regulations that are in the way, and let the people have liberty!
God Save the U.S.A.
Photo by Peter Dejong, April 1991
See Behavioral Health Risk Factors on

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