Friday, July 10, 2009

Red Pill? Blue Pill?

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Congressman Henry Waxman only offers blue pills, and you must swallow quickly. Representative Joe Barton is begging for time to peruse the Healthcare Reform Act of 2009. House Democrats plan to introduce and pass a bill impacting more than 20% of the U.S. G.D.P., while you’re still dreaming about how the wonders MJ.

I echo Representative Barton's call, "It is time to flood the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121". The Democrats and President Obama’s administration apparently misunderstand our vocabulary. This time the word is transparency. While most consider government transparency to imply visibility; Obama apparently was thinking of invisibility while speaking his campaign promises. Obama, Waxman, and company do not want you or the U.S. House to see the blue pill of panacea they are about to ram down America’s throat.

Socialized medicine is coming to America unless you can quickly find the red pill. Taking the red pill is equivalent to swallowing the harsh reality that you are the biggest contributor to health care costs. Many Americans are choosing risky health behaviors, and that is choking our health care system. Join Arlene Wohlgemuth and me for the Political Hope Radio Show this Sunday as we discuss Behavioral Health Risks and propose alternatives to a Universal Healthcare System.

Arlene is a Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation Center for Health Care Policy. She served in the 74th - 78th Texas Legislatures for District 58 (Burleson). Ms. Wohlgemuth authored HB 2292 (78th) , the sweeping reform of Health and Human Services which improved service delivery for the recipients, saving taxpayers more than $3.7B during its first five years. The reforms consolidated twelve agencies into five, and represented the largest government reform bill ever passed in the state.

I love those Red Pills take bring Government Reform...

God Save the U.S.A.

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