Monday, August 11, 2008

Barna Report Shows Support for McCain Among Qualified Evangelicals

The mainstream polls indicate that evangelicals are evenly split between McCain and Obama. A new Barna report paints a very different picture when evangelicals are "qualified" in the Presidential poll. Barna's qualified poll greatly reduces the number of evangelicals in the country, and shows much greater support for McCain among "evangelicals".

Presidential Race Tightens as Faith Voters Rethink Their Preference
Using the common approach of allowing people to self-identify as evangelicals ... John McCain holds a narrow 39% to 37% lead over Sen. Obama.

Using the Barna approach of studying people’s core religious beliefs produces a very different outcome. ... and Sen. McCain holds a huge lead (61%-17%) over the Democratic nominee.

The difference is in how you define an evangelical. With the Barna method the voting block is greatly reduced, and the political alignment comes through more clearly. Other the other hand the power of the voting block is marginalized.

For what's it's worth. Your thoughts are always welcome...

God Save the U.S.A.


Jeremie Bellenir said...

A slim margin of support either way, it shows the distrust qualified evangelicals have for McCain, and there is reason for that distrust. Regardless of what he says now, it is disheartening how much he has shifted for the sake of ambition.

J. Brent Bullock said...

The point is that the margin is not so slim among evangelicals, if you qualify the defintion.

I agree that McCain has shifted in his stance. He was strong on the Saddleback forum; too bad he hasn't always been that agressive, and I cannot speak to his movitive in the shift.

On the other, we no were Obama stands, no matter how suttle and good he makes it sound.

He said, his pay-scale doesn't qualify him to make the call on when life begins, yet he points out that women regardless of salary make that decision with great anguish.