Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bush Does the Impossible

These things seem much more likely to occur towards the end of a presidency; The power and influence of the Presidency becomes so much more pronounced. Today, we heard about what may be Bush's most significant accomplishment. It's also very interesting that a Democrat is the one heralding Bush's accomplishment; well, kind of...

Jim Doyle, Governor of Wisconsin, was speaking about alternative energy during the DNC convention this afternoon. He told of a company that had re-tooled their shop to turn a failing business into a budding opportunity in the alternative energy arena. The business is now making gears that go in wind turbines. Doyle went on to say that business turn arounds like that could only happen under the leadership of Barack Obama.

You can look this two ways: 1) Bush did the impossible; he created jobs before Barack reached the Oval Office, or 2) Doyle is off his rocker.

Dems believe that the economy and jobs are dependant upon the federal government. I say jobs, wages, and earnings are the product of resourceful people; people that know how to seize an opportunity; people that know when demands for one set of goods and services diminish, there is likely another on the rise.

The reality is that the President does not have any where near the power that campaign rhetoric (DNC or RNC camps) assigns to the office. It would sure be nice to here some deeper policy discussions over this well rehearsed non-sense.

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