Monday, August 4, 2008

Privatizing Education vs. Adjustments to the Formula

Pam Waggoner and Ben Easton were our guests for the Political Hope Radio Show on Sunday, August 3rd, 2008. Pam & Ben are running for Texas House District 48, a seat currently occupied by Democrat, Donna Howard. Pam is the Republican candidate and Ben is a Libertarian.

Our topic was Public School Funding. Pam is primarily concerned about equity with the current system and seeks to change the recipe to deal with current issues. For instance Texas' Robin Hood plan currently considers the local tax income and number of students, but fails to recognize existing assets and debt. So a district that is in debt with bonds may still be forced to hand over millions of dollars to another district that has all of its buildings paid for. Pam also supports changes to allow local entities to deal with ever changing operating cost, instead of waiting on the legislature to act. (e.g. the price of gas for the school funding formula was last adjusted when it was 78 cents or so).

Ben seeks total privatization of the school system. He would place the total responsibility back into the hands of the people and eliminate state run schools. This is a radical change from where we currently are, but the idea did stir interest from folks contacting me after the show. The questions were in regard to more detail. How would such a plan work? What would it look like? What would parents have to do to get their kids in school?

Ben, this is your opportunity. Post a response with more details...


J. Brent Bullock said...

Please see Ben's comments on education at:

Bennett Easton said...

Fellow Citizens,
When I was a teacher, I was almost universally impressed with the hard work and devotion that my colleagues put into their jobs, whether they were fellow teachers, coaches, administrators, or volunteers – and this was true in government-run schools as well as in private schools. During my time with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and the Austin Independent School District (AISD), I was almost universally depressed by the stifling regulations and red tape I witnessed on a daily basis.
Such lock-step rigidity! Such limited resources! Such a blur of special programs and party-line promises!
And who pays for all this? Of course, we taxpayers do – whether we want to or not.
What of the fact that many Americans – with school age children – are paying for private education, above and beyond the taxes they pay for children in the government-run system?! Is this fair?
What of taxpayers – with no school age children – who pay for government-run education?!! Is this fair?
WHAT is the alternative?
Consider this … Let’s put the bureaucrats on notice. Let’s put the extremely powerful teachers unions on notice. Let’s put the low-performing educators on notice.
Freeze all spending on government-run education for the next 2 years. Cut spending by 1 percent in 3 years, 2 percent in 4 years, 3 percent in 5 years. Then, cut spending by 2 percent extra for each of the next 5 years. And so on.
Roughly 15 – 20 years from now, Texas (and all of the United States of America if we’re lucky) will have been weaned off the toxic waste of government-run education.
Question: What will replace this?
Answer: The FREE MARKET.
As soon as we put the bureaucrats on notice that the gravy train is over, you can bet your bottom dollar that the entrepreneurs and free thinkers will be standing by to jump in to the void - inspired by freedom, profit, and adventure. Teachers, administrators, parents, and citizens of all flavors will be sitting down at desks, tables, and work benches across the land, brainstorming ways to deliver better education at a cheaper price than it is being delivered now. Frankly, some will accomplish this; some won’t.
Who will decide? Individuals will.
Who decides where you shop for shoes? Who decides whether you buy a new refrigerator this year? Who decides whether you will buy a laptop computer … or a fancy new cell phone? YOU do.
The Free Market delivers, generally speaking, the best variety of goods and services at the lowest price, with the most efficient utilization of resources. AND – you get what you pay for ... with a receipt!
What happens if somebody can’t afford much? Well, either they will have to buy a “budget educational experience” for their child(ren), . . . or, they may be the benefactors of charity. Don’t discount the power of charity in Texas (or America)! WE are the most charitable people in the history of the world.
Also, don’t discount the role that corporate sponsors will play during this transitional period of 15 – 20 years. Don’t discount the role of churches! In short, don’t discount the ingenuity of Texans (and Americans) to figure out that they, individually, and in small groups, neighborhoods, and community clusters, have a far better ability to serve their children than the government.
In this free market environment, we will see church schools (of every variety and denomination), corporate-sponsored schools, trade schools, apprenticeships, free-roaming specialty "mini-schools" (a.k.a. tutors), on-line schools (of every variety), home schools, and many other types that we cannot foresee yet.
We will see a market for “strict, uniforms required, no facial hair, no tattoos, daily prayer is required” schools.
We will see “laissez-faire, casual dress, beards and moustaches are okay, no prayer, non-denominational” schools.
We will see “pure academic, no team sports, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, college-prep powerhouse” schools.
We will see “performance art, journalists-in-training, students must have part-time jobs while they study” schools.
And many, many, many more.
What have we got to lose, Texas? Isn't it time to give the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith a chance? I say, "YES!" It’s time to return choice back into the equation of education.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ben Easton
Candidate for State Rep, Dist. 48