Friday, October 3, 2008

Malpractice on the Senate Floor

I understand how difficult it is to keep up with everything that happens in the U.S. House and Senate. This past Wednesday was epic. Below are two testimonies that I encourage you to read. I heard these while listening to debate over the bail-out, before the Senate voted on Wednesday nigh, where they attached the $700B bail-out to THE PAUL WELLSTONE MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION EQUITY ACT OF 2008. Here are a couple of quotes to get your attention and interest...
"We have fought communism, dictators, and tyranny. We have helped establish democracies and free-market economies across the globe. Because of America, millions of people are now electing their leaders, and millions have been taken out of poverty and enjoyed prosperity. Yet as the blood of our young men and women falls on foreign soil in the defense of freedom, our own Government appears to be leading our country into the pit of socialism. ...

If we were honest with the American people and explained the failures that have led to this financial crisis, we might have the credibility to ask our citizens to allow us to borrow another $700 billion in their name to try to fix this problem. But we are not being honest. This problem was not created by our free enterprise system. It was created by us, the Congress and the Federal Government" -
Senator Jim DeMint - South Carolina

"For those of you who are not familiar with those two portions of our Constitution, they are very clear. Article I, section 8 is the enumerated powers that are given to Congress. They are very specific. They are very direct. It tells us what we are to be dealing with and what we are not to be dealing with. It tells us the extent to which the Federal Government is to intervene in the lives of Americans. ...

As a practicing physician, I compare where we are today to a physician who commits malpractice."
- Senator Tom Coburn - Oklahoma

These are powerful words in my book. Now is the time to put pressure on our Congress to reign in the federal government. We are in violation of our own Constitution and we keep feeding the monster of federal tyranny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both our Texas senators voted for the Bailout/Takeover.

In my book, thay are traitors to Texas and America. Sen. Cornyn and Sen. Hutcheson should be charged with treason and put on trial.

Just the thoughts of one Texan tired of being sold out by our elected leaders.

PLEASE, vote against both of them in every election. Kay Bailey Hutcheson does not deserve to be Govenor, and I will campaign against her at every opportunity.

Robert Earl