The M.O. is unmistakable: Take your agenda, flip it on the opposition, and scream fowl at the top of your lungs! Logic is non-existent. Out of one side of your mouth say one thing. Out of the other side, say another. The issues run the full gamut of the political spectrum. In the crosshairs this Sunday, is the Humanist doctrine of Evolutionary Origins. The agenda of T.F.N. and their comrades depletes Liberty in our Great State.
Evolutionary Origins (a.k.a. neo-Darwinism) asserts that random processes produce greater intelligence in natural organisms. Great debate over origins is still evident in casual conversations among scientists, while the voice of formal secular science heralds the notion that the argument is settled and Texas schools need to protect the children from Intelligent Design and Creationist indoctrination carried by Biblical Theists.
Evolutionary Origins (a.k.a. neo-Darwinism) asserts that random processes produce greater intelligence in natural organisms. Great debate over origins is still evident in casual conversations among scientists, while the voice of formal secular science heralds the notion that the argument is settled and Texas schools need to protect the children from Intelligent Design and Creationist indoctrination carried by Biblical Theists.
I wonder who is protecting our children from the Humanist Religion that depletes
self-responsibility and moral awareness. Who will protect our school children
from the brainwashing of the Secular Humanist Ideology and the maniacal
doctrines that limit thinking and debate?

God save Texas
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