Thursday, April 9, 2009

Government Empowerment?

Some say the title of this blog is oxymoronic. How about "government empowerment"?

In John Maxwell's Twenty-One Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The Law of Empowerment is a key measure of great leadership. As a leader we must hand over trust, resources, and opportunity to those we lead in order to grow an organization or business. This begs the question, "Has government ever empowered anyone?"

As Texas law making passes before our eyes, I ask, "Where is empowerment?" "Who is being empowered?"

The witness list for a bill is a tell-tale sign. For instance, take SB-855 debated in a Texas Senate Committee yesterday. The For list was largely city, county and Regional Mobility Authority type folks. They seek to raise taxes to fund transportation projects. The taxpayer organizations were on the Nay side of the argument. Need I say more?

Yes, roads must be funded. What about empowering people to run their businesses to generate more revenue for roads? What about cutting wasteful state programs? Where's the budget cut list? Where are the reductions in spending on extraneous programs? Where's the budget priority on essential government services?

Let our laws empowerment the people. Government tends towards regulation and taxation; not empowerment. The 81st Texas Legislature is beginning to show its true colors. In the House it's 76 red, 74 blue. In the Senate there are 20 red, and 12 blue, and now more than ever, the Texas Legislature has plenty of purple in the middle. Wait 'till you hear about the other topics they've debated this week...

God Save Texas

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