Saturday, April 11, 2009

Show Announcement: Small Town - Big Production

The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! Blessings to you during the most significant celebration of the year. God is Sovereign over our mortal bodies. He has shown that He has power over even death, and promises to destroy the enemy of every man (1 Cor 15:26)

This Sunday on the Political Hope Radio Show, we'll talk about some significant events in the course of history, as well as the subtle changes that eventually produce major shifts. The cycle of humanity changes back and forth over time. Mankind waxes and wanes in relationship to God, and the tide of blessing ebbs and flows accordingly.

We'll be talking with Bob Hudgins of the Governor's Texas Film Commission. Bob is excited about the impact that film jobs have on Texas. We'll also visit with Adena Lewis of the Smithville Chamber of Commerce. Adena has first hand knowledge on the small town impact of big productions. Two movies have already been filmed in Smithville, and a third is on the way, if the Texas Legislature remains green on HB-873.

HB-873 expands an existing film incentive program in the Governor's Office. Does this bill typify the subtle compromises we often see from Republicans? Some have labeled it nothing more than bi-partisan pork. Democrat Donna Dukes is carry the bill for the Governor.

Wake up Patriots. Change is under your nose...

God Save Texas

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