Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tainted Texas Tea

Let's see. How many tax and spend bills can we find in the 81st Texas Legislature? While we "Right Wind Extremist" gathered to hear the most conservative speakers to be found in Austin Texas; While many decry the policies of the federal government; while we acknowledge that Texas is #1 among the states in many aspects ... there is that looming question:
"Are we not headed down the same primrose path?"

I spoke to many regular folks yesterday, as they gathered to toss tea into Lady Bird Lake. Every last one of them answered the same. While we gather to voice our opposition to big government and further taxation, Texas is doing the same thing. Maybe we lag. Maybe we're not "as bad", but we are falling into the same trap. Texas is drifting left.

The actual video interviews will be posted as soon as we can process them. Please respond with the Texas tax and spend bills that you oppose.

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