Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dr. Paul Endorses Chuck Baldwin

Barr begged the question. McCain called for an endorsement. Now they have been answered, and it's not what they were looking for. Libertarian turned Republican (at least temporarily), Dr. Ron Paul, has endorsed Chuck Baldwin for President.
The big challenge, however, is taking on the establishment, and the process that is so well entrenched. But we can’t beat the entrenched elite without the alliance of all those who have been disenfranchised. ... I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election. I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate. - Dr. Ron Paul. 9/22/08
The latest polls have Obama back in the lead. McCain/Palin have joined in the Wall Street bashing rhetoric. Folks are predicting our currency is going to take a massive hit. The 401(k) and IRA accounts of most have already suffered great losses (Thank God he led me to put everything into cash). Many individuals and banks have been bailed out of bad loans, and the war on terror has taken a back seat to financial chaos. Of course it is all Bush 43's fault. Not!

What about us? Could the current financial crisis be our responsibility? Could our political apathy be a concern? Could our tolerance of humanist thinking be connected to the current financial meltdown? Could the de-emphasis of morality play a part? Could the prevalence of personal debt and personal deficit spending be connected? Could the failure to continue in the Spirit of 1776 be part of the problem? What about the massive expansion of federal government? What about the degradation of states' rights? The list of speculation goes on and on, but in the end ... this is our country.

My friends, while I certainly have concerns about Wall Street, I believe the main problem is Main Street. Main Street has forgotten where it came from. Main Street has failed to lift up and maintain our Constitution. Main Street has failed to pass along the Ten Commandments and other Biblical principles that secure the liberty of a Nation Under God. I believe we have allowed our government and our culture to grow out of control, and we can take it back.

Dr. Paul's endorsement of Chuck Baldwin speaks to the issue of the Constitution. Dr. Paul has fought against the massive expansion of federal government more than any contemporary I know. Dr. Paul understands the Constitution better than most contemporary Congressmen. He actually votes according to his Constitutionalist view. I cannot say this about very many Republicans or Democrats.

I do believe Obama is more dangerous than McCain. I think McCain has a shot at making some reforms that will restrain Washington. In Texas and many other states, McCain has the lead, but overall Obama is moving back to the front, and anything can still happen.

My gut says vote for Chuck Baldwin. I don't think you can waste a vote, but my rationale mind says, "vote in such a way to ensure Obama doesn't win". A vote for any candidate is a vote that counts, but there is a lot riding on this one. What do you think? Baldwin for President?

God Save the U.S.A.


Crowm said...

I've voted primarily Republican for 2 decades. Although I've never voted straight ticket, I've always voted for the Republican nominee.

As you know, there are things I really like about Ron Paul and those I think are a little....shall we say, different. I really appreciate his willingness to tell the truth without worrying about lobbyists.

I also appreciate his causing people to think. It's too bad that the major parties won't allow any other thinking (other than their own pundits) to go on.

I've been told that my vote for Chuck Baldwin is "throwing away a vote." No one will convince me of that. For me, it's about conservative values. It's not enough to vote for the lesser of two ... For that reason, I'm led to vote principle, values, and conservative ideas. I'll vote for Baldwin.

Anonymous said...

Brent, you wrote ...

"my rationale mind says, "vote in such a way to ensure Obama doesn't win"."

And who gave you that mind? In whose image were you created? What separates us from the animals and all other living things?

Mind, Reason, Spirit and WILL

I totally agree with Dave's perspective, and like him, have been in the past a rather harsh critic of McCain. However, with the Palin pick, McCain made his best decision and I believe in doing so revived a largely comatose base.

America stands at the Crossroads and I believe we are being presented with the closest "Good v. Evil" decision in our history, at least since the Civil War or perhaps the mission to rescue the world from Hitler.

Consider this: Obama LED the campaign in Illinois to prevent the Baby Born Alive Act from becoming law. I think most of us saw Jill Stanek's testimony of cradling the Down's Syndrome baby for 45 minutes before he died. Sarah Palin chose to give life to her precious son Trig, also with Down's syndrome. Even the Pulitzer prize winning political cartoonist at the Chicago Sun Times (not exactly a bastion of conservatism) saw Obama's hand in this and drew the following ...

The Kingdom Kids in America need to say their prayers, and then get off their collective butts and ACT. Leave the results to God.

Time for mind and REASON to make a comeback! I'd love to participate in the creation of a viable third party ... our current two party system is a disaster.

However, with 40 days to go??? Go with your mind, HE gave it to you.

Anonymous said...


Normally I would just respond to you directly, however the issue at hand is too critical. Those who know me know of my passionate commitment to Christ-centered, Biblically-grounded, Constitutionally-based principles in choosing leaders. I have been an unashamed critic of McCain and like many wrestle even “Post-Palin” in knowing it is still a flawed ticket.

With that said, there are dramatic and stark differences on the major issues of sanctity of life, defense of marriage, national defense in particular between the two viable Presidential candidates and tickets. McCain/Palin are clearly on what I believe to be the “right side” of those issues, Obama/Biden deeply on the “wrong side”. One of those two will be our president, not Chuck Baldwin. Neither ticket will solve the real crisis that exists because of a weak, shallow and fragmented church that has set our nation adrift on a sea of moral relativism.

Baldwin is no more qualified to be President than I am as “able men” is part of the Biblical qualifications as per Exodus 18. I cannot vote in sound conscience for someone who has never proven himself able by being elected to any office at any level that I am aware of, certainly at any level that would qualify him for President. Also, the political party he represents has likewise NEVER elected a city councilman or school board member anywhere in the country, similarly lacking any credibility as a party – even being fundamentally right on principles.

I have been active in local, state and national pro-life, pro-family political action for 25 years and still hesitate to give recommendations on voting unless pressed because at the end of the day, it is my – hopefully informed – opinion only. Each person must study, pray and vote based on sound wisdom, principle and leading of the Holy Spirit so I would be very careful of advising others to vote for someone who clearly will not win, cannot win and frankly should not win.

Thank you for your commitment to restoring godly principles in culture and government and may our Lord grant us grace for a season to turn the church and nation back to Him rather than the hand of judgment we deserve. It may be that an Obama administration and its reprobate, evil policies will be part of that discipline, however if that occurs it will be by God’s hand, not something I will be part of by voting for Baldwin.



Anonymous said...

I add one thought about third parties. I argued on behalf of the right of third party candidates at the U.S. Supreme Court. I believe in the right to oppose the major parties. But I think the current 3rd party presidential approach is wrong. Third parties should earn the right to be considered. Win a local race, then county races, then state, etc. The get rich quick approach is not Biblical and does not reflect the principles we believe in. In my opinion, no 3rd party presidential candidate should expect and does not deserve our consideration until their party has proven something. Win. Win some races. Show you can lead in office.

With this election possibly deciding the swing vote on the U.S. Supreme Court, moving from 5-4 to the ending of Roe v. Wade, thus affecting the deaths of over a million innocent children each year, we have to be very careful about our vote.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading the arguments, so here's my 2 cents that I try not to speak often unless I feel I have something worth speaking.
I believe it all comes down to who is willing to fight, uphold and restore our Constitution, the Sanctity of the Lord and of the people. And the idea that third parties should prove themselves? Sure if they had the chance. As far as I can tell, because of the monopolies of the 2 major parties, they rarely have the opportunity, but you can be assured that if they weren't feared by this establishment, why would they go so far as to make sure the people don't know of them?

Then there is McCain/Palin? And Obama/Biden I don't need to say anything there. Sarah Palin scares me just as much, I was leery when he announced her, then I heard her speak. She does not mention the "real" issues plaguing the American people and part of me really wanted to hear those words out of her mouth, finally someone who has some grasp of reality, well surprise, she backed all of McCain's views, including Russia, Iran, and the need for BIGGER government! The idea that terrorism is abroad and not in our own backyard alive and well in our own infrastructures, and that we should fear Al-Qaeda and therefore should limit our rights to freedom? Yea, on the top of my list. Sure she is a right to life proponent, but does that alone qualify her or anyone for that matter? I am too very Prolife, and as a mother of 3 children does that qualify me to run as VP? I realize she has other "qualifications" I guess I'm just making a point. Then, she goes on saying whatever it takes to keep her in good favor of this administration, it's the same old song. Not my cup of tea. We have no business with Russia and provoking them, politics hard at work. That's just one of the many issues I have! I don't think either of these candidates will "buy us time." It comes down to the fact that we are all in BIG TROUBLE either way!
Without God being put first, we have evil on this side and evil on that side, that is what it is, you can't dress wolves in sheep's clothing.
There is no other middle ground except our third party candidates, I'll take anyone of them over these two campaigns any day of the week!

And the bail outs right now? This is ludicrous, we are talking Trillions just to get started, we cant afford to prop up these badly run companies, and bad policies. So the market crashes, yes we have bad times, I am aware they could even be worse, but as I heard the other night "Tough times never last, But tough people do." But that's what the market needs to do. You can only live on a Fiat money system for so long, run by criminals and under a veil of secrecy, before it catches up, kind of like not paying your creditors! They get ya one way or another. Say goodbye to beyond your means. Eddie and I certainly know what it is to live at our means, we were forced to a few years back, before anyone really knew what was happening. We had to make some hard decisions and that meant driving what we could "afford", living in what we could afford and not spending money we don't have. This is a credit addicted country, and people are surprised it is coming back to haunt us now? Welcome to reality.
Let's just bail out the super wealthy in what is not the first or last communist like move we will see in "their" country, not ours as Americans. I don't remember being asked as a taxpayer if I wanted to pay for these peoples horrible decisions? If my business toppled because of bad decisions I would be out a business and would be accountable for paying the dept I incurred! Not collecting fabulous welfare without being accountable for my mistakes!
The attitudes towards the American people being compared to cattle? That alone tells you that we are not far from a Nazi like movement if we don't stand as a nation. (Read up on the Bohemian Grove, our elites little back yard party every July, makes my stomach turn! And these people are Conservative Christians? Brings me to tears!). The total lack of Morality? And the lack of Humility? Who are these people to think of themselves as better than you and I and especially God? We need to wake up!
I will not lose hope or faith, I do know God prevails in all circumstances, and this will be no different. But you can't help but let fear seep in when you watch your young children in a changing world, and the future seems so clouded. It is on total faith, trust, belief and a fair amount of action, that we do what we do day to day.
-Hope is a song that keeps the soul in flight.-

I will vote for who has America in there best interest, with or without the chance of winning. I have been told so many times not to "Waste" my vote. I'm sorry but I don't find voting on the people's side a "waste"!
I think Chuck would make a fine president, as would many other third party candidates, as long as they are for God, The Constitution that Millions have died for, and for the People. But I know Mr. Baldwin has worked hard in his accomplishments, I don't think Dr. Paul makes decisions lightly, and I trust his wisdom.

Have a blessed day,

J. Brent Bullock said...

Thank you to all that have commented on the notion of voting for Chuck Baldwin. The nays cite lack of party and candidate credibility and the choice of a flawed ticket against an evil ticket. The yeahs are fed up with the establishment. The problem of the establishment remains, and Third Party votes are not expected to undo a McCain victory in Texas though it could impact many states in the nation. Campaigning against Obama in toss-up states is a strategy I do support.

There were no comments on the part about Main Street’s responsibility, and Dr. Paul was only mentioned twice. Abortion still seems to drive much of the support for McCain/Palin ticket. I believe we have to think about major government reform. The moral issues have become secondary in my mind. Our government is fundamentally broken, and I see no plan to fix it.

We need major government reform that mainstream parties will not deliver. I will wait this one out, before deciding which way to vote. Anything can happen…

God Save the U.S.A.