Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tagged by the Crow

You can blame, I mean thank, my friend Mike Crow for this one. Mike was kind enough to tag me. Look out fellow bloggers. Here are the rules:

1. Write about 5 specific ways blogging has affected you, either positively or negatively.
2. Link back to the person who tagged you
3. Link back to this parent post (L.L. Barkat is not so much interested in generating links, but rather in tracking the meme so she can perhaps do a summary post later on that looks at patterns and interesting discoveries.)
4. Tag a few friends or five, or none at all
5. Post these rules— or just have fun breaking them

Here goes ...

1.1 Blogging is great to to help digest what you're taking in on the topics of life. We are inundated with news and messages. Writing things down helps sort through what you've absorbed.

1.2 Blogging helps develop discipline. I was having trouble staying in a routine with writing. If you don't write regularly, people don't read your blog. I blog immediately following a few of the regular events in my weekly routine, and that has been a great blessing.

1.3 Blogging is convenient compared to regular web-site updates. You just write and post. It has help my productivity on web administration.

1.4 I'm running out thoughts... too much blogging.

1.5 The best reason to blog is so your friends will have something to throw darts at., and you can learn their opinions as they poke holes in your arguments.

2. Mike Crow - As the Crow Flies

3. LL Barkat - Seedlings in Stone

4.1 Gary DeMar - Mashed Potatoes on the Anvil
4.2 Eileen Flynn - Of Sacred & Secular

5. You saw them, now read them and obey them! They're not the ten commandments, but you get the idea...

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