Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holly Hansen & The National Conventions

In the past two weeks, we heard everything thing from "After all, there aren’t many people eager to see the words “Texan’ and “president” in the same sentence ever again" ... to "We lost the trust of the American people ..."

While it may not have been the most exciting speech of the last two weeks, it had two important and rare traits in political speech. Those traits are integrity and humility. A few DNC & RNC speeches referenced humility; Senator McCain displayed it by admitting his and the GOP's part in recent government problems/failures. Cecile Richard's speech reflects the antithesis of humility and is much more typical of what we hear in political convention speeches.

Was anything said or done at the conventions that swayed your opinion in the past two weeks? What did you see as the high lights and low lights? Join the Political Hope Radio Show with Republican delegate Holly Hansen and I as we review the 2008 National Conventions.

Sunday, September 7, 2008- 4 pm

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